Rebuilt Parish Blog

Regularly updated messages from Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran!

Rebuilt Right Now: Help people in the pews grow by…


At Rebuilt, we promote four strategic anchors that we believe are absolutely essential for rebuilding a parish. One of those anchors is shaping a clear discipleship path that helps the people in...

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Rebuilt Right Now: Masterminds


Fall is officially in the air, and our fall courses are off to an incredible start!

These mastermind groups are made up of 3-5 amazing parish leaders who work together on one specific aspect of the...

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Rebuilt Right Now: The Mass


At Rebuilt, we are constantly promoting four proven strategic anchors that have helped parishes grow.

One that I’d like to highlight today is transforming the weekend experience.

The Mass is...

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Rebuilt Right Now: Courses


 Courses at Rebuilt have officially started for the fall season!

As leaders, we can only do so much on our own. That’s why our 1-hour, bi-weekly courses bring 3-5 parishes together in...

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Rebuilt Right Now - Layers of Leaders


At Rebuilt Parish, we promote four strategic anchors that we believe are absolutely essential for rebuilding a parish. Building a leadership culture or layers of leaders is one of our four...

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